FL Flow Reactor Set

The FL set use flow reactor as reacting device, has the advantage of more space, and more time residence, It is suitable forfast or medium fast reaction; also less fast gas-liquid reaction.

Set Parameter

Munkaképesség:0~400 mL/min;

The set contains 1micromixer, 3 Áramlási reaktor, 2 pipe reactor, 1 set temperature display, 1 ellennyomás szelep,3pressure transmitters,1 heat exchanger, and 1set frame;

Üzemi nyomás:Atmosphere~5 Mpa

Környezeti hőmérséklet:-20~260

Seal Material: Perfluoroether FFKM75


Egyéb opcionális:HC276,Ti,Zr,KÖSZÖNÖM