Nama peralatan: MRE Bottom-entry High shear Dispersing Emulsifier
Pengenalan Peralatan:
MRE usually installed in the bottom, and do batch processing, it has same working principal as MRH, the high line speed generated by the high-speed rotation of the rotor enables the dispersion, shearing, crushing, emulsification and other effects of the material under the combined forces in the narrow gap between the rotor and the stator. MRE series adopts the bottom installation method, which can meet the requirements of the lower liquid level, and also has the bottom circulation form. The effect is better for the materials with easy precipitation, large specific gravity, high viscosity and large particles.
Fitur Peralatan:
Bottom entry, lower liquid level, large working capacity
Same power, higher rotation speed, higher shear force
Bottom processing, highly targeted, no dead corner
Multiple tooth shape of rotor/ stator structure can be customized for different operating conditions
Two-way suction, stable operation
Cocok untuk kondisi operasi yang berbeda: suhu tinggi, tekanan tinggi, tahan ledakan, tahan korosi dan reaksi dll.
MRE is widely used in cosmetics, makanan, medicine and chemical and fine chemical industries to handle homogenization, Dispersi, emulsifikasi, crushing, dissolving and gluing processes.
Kepala susu, minuman susu, juice
Krim Kosmetik, Pasta gigi
Emulsi air, Agen suspensi
Emulsi lemak medis, Vaksin
Solusi koloid, emulsifikasi polimer
Pigmen, Pewarna, kue klorin rusak
Parameter utama
Pola | Daya (kW) | Kecepatan putar (rpm) | Kapasitas kerja (L) |
MRE100/05 | 1.5 | 2900 | 5-50 |
MRE200/10 | 2.2 | 2900 | 30-100 |
MRE300/15 | 5.5-7.5 | 2900 | 100-800 |
MRE400/20 | 11-15 | 2900 | 300-2000 |
MRE400/25 | 22-30 | 1470/2900 | 800-4000 |
MRE500/30 | 37 | 1470/2900 | 800-5000 |
MRE500/35 | 45-55 | 1470 | 1000-7000 |
Data berdasarkan media Air.
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