MRH Batch High Shear Dispersing Emulsifier

Nom de l’équipement: MRH Batch High shear Dispersing Emulsifier

Equipment Introduction:

MRH is a new type process-enhance equipment. It is usually installed on the top of a container and is batch-processed. It uses the high line speed generated by the high-speed rotation of the rotor to form a pole in the narrow gap between the stator and the rotor. Large velocity gradients and strong kinetic energy due to high-frequency mechanical effects cause the material to be subjected to a combination of shear, extrusion, friction, impact, grinding, turbulence, and cavitation in the stator-rotor gap, to get a fine and even distribution of the product.

Caractéristiques de l’équipement:

Narrow gab between rotor/stator, higher line speed at the end of the rotor

High rotor/stator shear rate

High rate of local energy dissipation near the rotor/stator

Multiple tooth shape of rotor/ stator structure can be customized for different operating conditions

Two-way suction, stable operation

Suitable for different operating conditions: high temperature, high pressure, explosion-proof, corrosion-proof and reaction etc.



MRE is widely used in cosmetics, food, medicine and chemical and fine chemical industries to handle homogenization, dispersion, emulsification, crushing, dissolving and gluing processes.



Cream, dairy drinks, juice

Cosmetic Cream, Toothpaste, Makeup

Water emulsions, microemulsions, microcapsules

Émulsion de graisse médicale, Vaccin

Lithium battery paste, graphene

Solution colloïdale, adhesive, émulsification de polymères

Coating depolymerization, ink, résine


Paramètres principaux

Modèle Puissance (kW) Vitesse de rotation (tr/min) Capacité de travail(L)
MRH100/05 0.75-1.5 2900 10-50
MRH200/10 2.2 2900 50-100
MRH300/15 5.5-7.5 2900 100-800
MRH400/20 11-15 2900 500-1500
MRH400/25 22-30 1470/2900 1500-4000
MRH500/30 37 1470 2000-5000
MRH500/35 45-55 1470 3500-7000
MRH600/40 75 1470 5000-10000





Données basées sur le milieu de l’eau.

Please consult Moarey technical engineer for more detailed information and application data.