DX2 Multiple Function Microreactor Set

DX2 is a standard functional microreactor set, it is suitable for two phase, multiple phase, liquid-liquid,गैस-तरल, homogeneous and heterogeneous, endothermic and strongly exothermic reaction; Compare with traditional reactor, it has advantage of high modularization integration, simple structure, easy operation, intrinsically safe and reliable performance; can carry out real-time monitoring, quickly realize various combinations, obtain different experimental conditions, quickly screen and optimize process conditions, speed up experimental progress, and improve experimental results. Provide accurate experimental data for subsequent pilot or industrial production.

Set Parameter

Working Capacity:0~400 mL/min;

The set contains 1micromixer, 5 माइक्रोरिएक्टर, 4 pipe reactor, 1 set temperature display, 1 back pressure valve,1 pressure gauge, 1set needle valve,1 heat exchanger, and 1set frame;

काम का दबाव:Atmosphere~5 Mpa

परिवेश का तापमान:-20~260

सील सामग्री: परफ्लूरोथर FFKM75

काम करने की सामग्री:316बड़ा

Other OptionalHC276Ti,Zr,TA