MRX-T Inline Solid-liquid Mixing Batching System

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MRX-V is a brand-new systematic solution for powder injection, powder mixing and powder-dissolving. It utilizes the powerful vacuum generated by its own jet principle to uniformly and rapidly inhale the solid powder into the jet pipe, instant contact with the liquid and wetting, majd a nagy nyírókamrába, through high-frequency shear force by rotor/stator, a szilárd por teljesen diszpergálódik vagy teljesen feloldódik. Az MRX-V sorozat elfogadja “V” típusú portartály kialakítása, alkalmas többzsákos, többtípusú por inline diszperzió vagy oldás, higher production efficiency.


Berendezés jellemzői:

  • “V” típus tartály kialakítása, gyorsabb porszívás, maximális porbevitel akár 200 kg / percig
  • Könnyen megoldható a nagy viszkozitású, könnyen duzzadó porok, például CMC és xantán
  • Normál vagy alacsonyabb hőmérsékletű poroldódást érhet el, lower energy consumption
  • Easy to clean, simple to meet CIP/SIP operation, in compliance with hygienic design standards and specifications
  • Convenient artificial dusting, labor saving, inline mixing powder, higher efficiency
  • Modular design, smaller footprint, easy installation and maintenance



MRX-V is widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and fine chemical industries, processing powder liquid dispersion, mixing, depolymerization, dissolving, plastic and other technological processes.

Such as

Inline ingredient dissolution of reduced milk, fruit milk, yogurt
Supersaturation of sugar
Dissolution of CMC, carrageenan, pectin, stb.
Inline homogenization of cereals/water, starch/water
Concentrated tea powder, concentrated juice online ingredients

Dispersion and Mixing of Ultrafine Powders: Titanium Dioxide, Pigments, Bentonite, Kaolin, Talc, Lime Powder, stb.