DX3 Smart Microreactor Set

DX3 Smart Set is a flexible set, it can work as the experimental equipment, and also do the production. It contains the micromixer, microreactor, pipe reactor to do the preheat, and flow reactor to extend the residence, with the PLC smart control system, it can help to monitor the data in time, 다른 반응 조건을 실현할 수 있습니다, 빠른 반응에서 덜 빠른 반응으로, 그리고 느린 반응에도. 전체 세트에는 반응 온도가 포함되어 있습니다., 압력, 대량 전송 등, 액체-액체에 적합, 기체 액체, 2 단계, 다상 반응.

Working as lab equipment, it has advantage of flexible to get different working condition; 파일럿으로 일하기, it can help to produce Kilo gram product.