MRQ Roerder

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Naam van de apparatuur: MRQ Roerder

Equipment Introduction:

MRQ can be designed according to the actual conditions for customers and also different types of paddles to meet a variety of needs. Volgens de installatie, it can be divided into: top-inlaat, side-inlet bottom-mounted. According to the type of blade, it can be divided into: Rotary Type (MRQ-X), Oblique Type (MRQ-Y), Push Type (MRQ-T), Turbine Type (MRQ-O), Dispersion Plate (MRQ-K), Anchor type (MRQ-U), frame type (MRQ-H), ribbon type (MRQ-Z), INTER MIG type (MRQ-G), enz. According to material properties, the material can be SS304, SS 316L, duplex stainless steel, 904L, Hastelloy and many other materials. Various structural forms and surface treatment grades can meet the requirements of different industries such as chemical industry, food, medicine and daily chemicals.


MRQ are widely used all walks of life, including: chemicals, food, medicine, daily chemicals, petrochemicals, metallurgy, en milieubescherming.


Ontzwaveling van energiecentrales

Asfalt, Smeermiddelen, olie- en gasopslagtanks


Chemische synthese, reactie kristallisatie, biologische fermentatie

Cosmetic cream

Voorbereiding van de suspensie

Lithium batterijpasta, graphene

Colloidal solution, polymer emulsification