DX3 Smart Microreactor Set

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DX3 Smart Set is a flexible set, it can work as the experimental equipment, and also do the production. It contains the micromixer, microreactor, pipe reactor to do the preheat, and flow reactor to extend the residence, with the PLC smart control system, it can help to monitor the data in time, kan realisere ulike reaksjonsbetingelser, fra rask reaksjon til mindre rask, og til og med til den langsomme reaksjonen. Hele settet inneholder reaksjonstemperatur, trykk, masseoverføring og så videre, egnet for væske-væske, gass-væske, to faser, flerfasereaksjon.

Working as lab equipment, it has advantage of flexible to get different working condition; Jobber som pilot, it can help to produce Kilo gram product.